Program Aides

What is a PA?

The PA (Program Aide) group are our Teen Leaders – Girl Scouts entering 8th-12th grade in the fall - they’re the ones that really run and bring the magic to Camp. They design the theme activities, teach the skills, play the games, sing the songs. It’s our PAs that inspire our volunteers and let them just sit back and focus on providing adult supervision. It’s our PAs that show Campers it’s totally awesome to stay in Girl Scouts all the way through high school. This is a Girl Scout Leadership progression in a Camp setting – where our teens are coached to bring out the best of themselves, their peers, and our Campers. All styles of teen leaders are supported and encouraged to grow in their own way.

No two Day/Twilight Camps in GSWW run exactly the same way. At RWTC, all teen leaders are called “PA”s rather than having different terminology for different ages.  PAs are encouraged to grow and extend the edge of their comfort zone throughout the Camp year.

PAs are expected to attend the majority of monthly planning sessions during the months before Camp, as well as having daily pre- and post- Camp obligations outside the hours of a regular camper.

How do I enter the PA Program at RWTC?

Incoming 7th graders should all register for our PAinT unit at Camp (Program Aides in Training). They will complete all of the basic workshop requirements required for the PA Award during the week of Camp, plus several sessions working directly with Campers. They are invited to a few of the pre-camp meetings that year, but the bulk of their training happens during the week of Camp. Incoming 8th graders should also register for the PAinT unit if they did not attend RWTC the prior summer.  For those entering 9th grade or above and have not yet been a PA, both teen and adult will meet with the PA Director to determine if the PAinT unit is best for you, or if you are ready to be placed directly as a PA. The full PA award GSUSA requirements are available in the Cadette handbook, RWTC does not include the LIA portion of the award as part of our training, nor do we provide the award itself.


What else is different between being a Camper and being a PA or PAinT?

Beyond the planning and extra duties, PAs/PAinTs benefit from earlier registration, lower cost than Campers, and start thinking about Camp as early as January or February. PAs should genuinely WANT to be there – if they are forced to attend, it shows in the way the interact with Campers and peers. They get to choose a “Camp Name” so they’re not the fifth ‘Mary’ in their unit but something truly unique and can reflect their personality.

The 2025 PA Director is Brianne “Commander Fury” Green, please email her directly at with any questions about our program.


Important Dates

2025 dates to remember: (times/locations posted on our private BAND)

February 9: Optional Skills Day – Knots
February 12: Camp Planning Meeting
March 9: Optional Skills Day – Hiking/Nature and Orienteering
March 18: Camp Planning Meeting
April 13: Optional Skills Day – First Aid
April 14: Camp Planning Meeting
May 17: Camp Planning Meeting
May 18: Optional Skills Day – Games (& Songs)
June 4: Camp Planning Meeting
June 8: Optional Skills Day – Firecraft
June 28-29**: (tentative date): Tie Dye and overnight

July dates are likely to be added prior to Camp as needed, dates TBD